Corporate Wellness

Health Coaching:

We recognize that many organizations allocate budget and time toward ‘Wellness Committees’ and health resources for your team. What if you told your staff that in place of pot-luck lunches and group activities, they all had the chance for a one-on-one session with a health coach?

We all would like to know specifically where we can improve. This is a direct way to help your employees become better at owning their own choices when it comes to diet and lifestyle. Drive down your doctors visits and improve your company culture with this option.

Wellness Seminars and Consulting:

Whether you are seeking input on delivering your company’s current wellness programs or would like some help creating one, not only can Northstar provide guidance and value add to existing plans, we have outside resources and contractors that can give true health and wellness guidance.

Topics like healthy habits, immunity and sleep improvement, or specific issues you want delivered by a Holistic Professional Expert. Northstar's Wellness and Health Practitioners and Coaches can step in and deliver training to your group and goals. We can deliver in person or virtually, in hour or seminar style session model.

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