Employee Assistance Programs

Mental and Emotional Wellness are as important as physical health and wellness.

Left untreated in the workplace or classroom, issues like anxiety, family problems or chemical abuse translate into poor performance, anxiety related issues, missed work and absences, bad customer service and workplace injuries that may cost you in terms of disability and workers compensation.

An Employee Assistance Program is designed to give employees the help they need to resolve all kinds of issues, so they can remain on-the-job, in school and productive.

  • How EAP Works: For the employee: It’s free!
  • Employers partner with Northstar to provide EAP as a benefit to their team. 
  • It’s Confidential! By law, we are not able to disclose any information to the employer of who is using our services. This insures full confidentiality between client and counselor.
  • The employer is provided data and utilization information that helps guide them in necessary changes and solution orientated decision making.

This is the cornerstone of our work at Northstar. The reason our EAP exists is to help our company partners achieve wellness in the workplace, classroom, in the Upper Peninsula and beyond.


The Northstar Difference: To compliment EAP, Northstar as tech, tools, and resources that give our company partners an advantage and actionable outcomes from our partnership.

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Northstar Employee Assistance Program